Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Chemie

In their research, staff members work on topics directly associated with the research areas of the Otto Loewi Research Center. Research questions are explored in close cooperation with clinical divisions with a focus on basic research as well as potential clinical applicability. Topics are mainly related to vascular research and the different manifestations and clinically relevant effects of oxidative processes.


Inflammation, autoimmunity and cancer

Our team focuses on the molecular mechanisms of the regulated interaction of intrinsically unstructured proteins and drug development in inflammation, autoimmunity and cancer.

Kreislauf und Gefäßforschung

Circulation and vascular research

Vascular research: Our researchers are investigating the impact of various substances (anticoagulants, antioxidants, nutritional supplements) and circumstances (age, menstrual cycle, orthostasis) on blood coagulation as well as the impact of oxidized lipoproteins on the development of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis.

Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery: Our researchers are focusing on the synthesis and characterization of innovative nanomaterials for drug delivery applications.

Design and synthesis of artificial proteins: Our researchers have established an exciting and innovative new field of research: computer-assisted prediction and experimental synthesis of new proteins with specific properties.

Stoffwechsel und Darm

Metabolism and the gut

Albumin and its different redox states: Our researchers explore albumin as a redox marker/redox regulator and prognostic marker in liver diseases as well as the binding and transport properties of albumin.